Are You Working on the Right Things for DORA Compliance?

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Time is ticking!

The EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) isn’t new, and while many financial institutions have started aligning with its supervisory requirements, many are still struggling with its implications and achieving full compliance.

So, we must ask: Are you focusing on the right initiatives? Are you truly ready for what’s ahead?

The infographic below outlines the top five key considerations for the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sector and relevant ICT providers. It’s an indispensable tool to help you close compliance gaps and be ready by January 2025.

Time is of the essence — ISG can help! We are here to support your DORA compliance journey with a range of services:

  • Prioritizing and reviewing ICT contracts for DORA compliance with thorough gap analyses to identify areas that need attention.
  • Collaborating on contractual documentation so developing and negotiating with providers is a less risky endeavor.
  • Assessing your organizational structure and existing ecosystem management for compliance so you have a concrete implementation plan and roadmap for necessary initiatives and organizational changes.

Download our infographic checklist now to ensure you're on the right track.

For more information on DORA, visit us at ISG DORA Resources.

Take action today to safeguard your organization's operational resilience!

Dora Checklist Top 5 Infographic

About the author

Lois Coatney

Lois Coatney

Lois Coatney is Partner, Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI), leading the firm’s work across those industries, with additional responsibility for global sales operations. Prior to assuming this role, she was Partner and President, EMEA Sales and Consulting, relocating from the U.S. to the U.K. to drive growth and further expand the firm’s opportunities in the region.

Lois joined ISG in 2012 and built the Service Integration and Management (SIAM) service line. She subsequently led the ISG GovernX® business for four years and successfully launched and expanded the third-party risk management platform. She also led ISG Americas sales and sales management and co-architected the ISG Women in Digital program.

Throughout her career, Lois has advised clients on the operating models and organizational designs that will enable them to work most effectively. Prior to joining ISG, Lois managed large global service delivery and governance transformational change in multiple positions at Hewlett Packard. She earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration and finance from Minnesota State University.