ISG Podcasts

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ISG Imagine Your Future® Podcast – Episode 15: Cybersecurity for the New Future

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As employees quickly transitioned to virtual work and began accessing business systems and technology remotely on a scale never experienced before, cybersecurity also quickly moved to center stage. The speed with which businesses have had to adapt to the new way of working has meant that some corners have inevitably been cut, leaving many organizations vulnerable to security breaches and cyberattacks. Now more than ever, enterprises need to focus on risk management and resiliency to assure the security of their systems.

Mathew Newfield, Chief Information Security Officer at Unisys, joins ISG host Barry Matthews for a fascinating discussion about the security challenges businesses face as they emerge from lockdown and adapt to a new way of working. Listen in as they explore the types of cyberattacks that are occurring, best practices to ensure businesses and individuals stay as safe as possible and how to ensure enterprise security in the new future.  
